
Plans for liquidity management of the tokens generated on the platform

Asset Tokenisation

In this stage a real estate asset is tokenised. Owners can sell equity or borrow against this asset. In any case token based liquidity is generated. The platform having its own bidding / swap platform is able to get an exact price feed of the various bids for a particular asset. In this way real time pricing can be obtained for a particular asset. This data is fed into a decentralised oracle such as chainlink. As we will see later, this data feed is critical to create a synthetic platform for real estate.In addition each asset will have a DAO treasury where part of transaction fees are deposited. In addition 20% of the house (may vary) is locked into this. Thus at any moment the treasury has some fair amount of liquidity ,that can be used for staking returns using Cardano stakepools.

Platform Liquidity

The platform itself has its own treasury that will initially give out rewards to the community for providing initial capital using liquidity pools. The funds generated in this pool can also be used to invest into staking and into real estate Bonds / equity tokens for generating returns (equity appreciation, bond returns or rental returns). This mutually beneficial relationship of the platform supporting liquidity needs of the real estate (initially at least) and in turn the DAO treasury feeding back into platform treasury, will lead to a positive growth curve for the ecosystem and its participants.

Asset Derivatives

As time progresses, and real time data feed becomes better, connectivity can be established to platform like Maladex and other similar ones. Then for each asset a synthetic can be created allowing investors to create derivative instruments that are trade able. In this way the platform benefits from earnings generated from the oracle feeds and also enables greater exposure of the assets and price discovery in these markets.

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