
Members of the DAO for each asset


1. Token Issuers

Property owners who are looking to digitise their real estate will require approval by the governance body. There will be provisions and guidelines for governance participants to authorise and issue the following types of asset tokens:

- Real estate assets: property bond-type tokens, property shares type tokens - Digital assets: asset derivative tokens, digital native tokens

2. Offline governance

Offline governance consists of a group of real estate facilitators and representatives selected by active participants. Offline governance has a contractual relationship with the issuer of real estate tokens and is responsible for the approval of asset tokens.

Verification agencies for example would fall in this category. They are not active DAO participants but help to validate the tokens issued on the platform.

3. Online governance

Online governance consists of active participants and delegations. The online governance group has the authority to review and approve asset tokens proposed by the offline governance team. Participants may also vote for other policies related to the protocol.

Real estate agents or House owners that actually participate in hosting the assets on the platform would fall in this category. They have an active role in selling the tokens and maintaining the value of the assets.

4. Developer Groups

The business model revolves around supporting of treasury of the Reitcircles platform. And part of the treasury fund will fund development of dApps on the platform for supporting global expansion of the platform.

Hosting of hackathons, virtual global conferences and such similar events will be part of this, to promote the assets on sale.

5. Agencies

Agencies that contribute to the protocol’s core components (issuance, distribution, liquidations, pricing) will assist in securing and maintaining the entire system. They will be incentivised by collecting fixed fees during the execution of each component.

1) Oracle Nodes

Oracles provide real-world asset prices to protocols. The current price will be the leading indicator for the issuance, distribution, and liquidation of asset tokens.

2) Bond Buyers

Licensed companies or individuals assigned to refinance property bond-type tokens in case the issuer fails to redeem the tokens before the deadline. During a mortgage agreement, the tokens can be claimed at a lower price than the usual acquisition price, and if the issuer fails to repay the outstanding charges the property will be liquidated and the entire proceeds will be distributed to the asset token holders.

3) Law Firms

Designated law firms will provide legal services related to the review, consultation, and documentation for real estate token issuances. These firms will receive fees from real estate token issuers depending on the type of services involved.

4) Debt collectors (Liquidators)

Liquidators will monitor the real estate prices and its representative tokens to reduce liquidity risk.

Last updated